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Trading the Forex market takes quite a lot of devotion, effort, research, and many times even a bit of luck. In the years that I have as a full-time trader I have met really productive traders and after talking to them I discovered that about 90% to 95% of them have had a coach that helped them to become successful.

In this section of my online trading reviews I would like to provide you with 4 reasons why you should have a Forex mentor who can instruct you and help you achieve your goals.

Have someone to help you when trading gets rough:

It is very easy to stay relax and concentrated when you are producing money and the market is favoring you. Though, only pretty disciplined traders can stay relaxed when the market is moving against them and they are in the negative side.

When you have a forex market mentor who you can chat to when things get tough, you will be saving yourself a lot of headaches and money. I have seen literally thousands of traders who produce money when the market makes sense and lose all of their profits when the market is going against them.

The truth is that two heads think better than one and when you have a mentor to help you research the ever changing Forex landscape you will have an edge.

Never trade alone or have unanswered questions:

One of the major things that block many traders from making considerable profits is the reality that they lack the knowledge they need to have.  Furthermore, it is important to have a professional trader to answer your questions when you have them.

When I first started as a foreign exchange trader I had a mentor who was in the office across the hall who was continually willing to answer my questions and clear out my uncertainties. I certainly believe that having a mentor is purely the greatest investment you can ever make.

Have a more knowledgeable trader look after you and your trading:

One more thing that gives a lot of traders an edge is the fact that their mentors overview all of their trading and the investments they make. A number of other mentors even take the trades with their students, so virtually they get to look over the shoulder of a pro Forex trader and see how he makes constant profits day after day.

Reduce your learning curve extensively:

Learning how to trade the foreign exchange can take a couple of months (or even years if you don’t have the right education and tools). Having a mentor will allow you to reduce the learning curve that is required to trade foreign exchange consistently by half.

How do you think physicians and attorneys obtain experience? Doctors require to do in average a 2 year internship in a hospital floor, while a lawyer needs to work with a law firm for a couple of years as well.

Having mentors is the fastest and safest way to achieve your financial objectives and trading expectations.

Having a mentor is the greatest way to achieve your goals as a foreign currency exchange trader and to find out how to make consistent profits from the foreign exchange market.

keep tracking my articles for more online trading reviews.

Foreign Currency Exchange Trading can be one of the most money-making investments any individual can make. There are quite a few benefits of trading Forex… it is a 24/7 market, most of the trading is electronic, you can use a significant amount of leverage to rise your potential earnings, and much more.

Though, there are common mistakes that seem to be made by each and every newcomer foreign currency exchange trader and sometimes even the professionals.

You might ask yourself, how can I prevent these mistakes and how do I recognize them? Well, I am trying to do something different with this article, I am going to explain to you one mistake and then a option, then another mistake and another solution and so on.

Over Trading:

I ‘m sure a number of us have listened about this one, but if you haven’t please allow me to show you. Over trading happens whenever a fx trader is looking for trading occasions that aren’t really there. I have heard it all, “But if I trade more I will make more quicker”, “If this trading strategy works it will make money even if I trade it on 15 pairs”, “trading a number of pairs doesn’t impact money management”… I could keep going for hours.

The truth: over-trading is the principal cause why most traders lose money. Trading the foreign currency can be complex and it is easy to get confused by the huge amount of information that is available over the internet (the problem is that most of this information is incorrect!).

The solution: The best way to become a lucrative FX trader and not over-trade is to have a trading plan; each and every prosperous trader I have met has one. Having a trading plan can enable you become a far more disciplined trader and of course a a lot more successful one. This takes me to the next common mistake.

Not having a trading plan: I have been trading and generating Forex strategies with some of the smartest and most prosperous Forex traders in the USA and throughout the world, and I have NEVER met any highly successful trader without a trading plan or that just trades what looks good.

For instance, when a person wants to get a loan from a bank to initiate a business one of the most important documents that the bank will ask for is a business plan. Why? They don’t want to lend money to a person who doesn’t have a clear idea of what to do with it. The same happens in foreign currency exchange.

You can be a pretty talented trader and have the best tools and resources but if you don’t have a trading plan you won’t be able to put it all together. Get it?

Picking tops and buttons:

Lots of new traders try to pinpoint and determine where a currency pair will turn around and go the opposite way, this is a enormous mistake. Picking tops and buttons is a pretty complicated task and even when it is done the right way you might still get an abstract result.

The best method to not make this mistake is to stick to your trading plan and trading strategy. Hot tip: if your trading strategy is dependent on reversals (tops and buttons) make sure that you demo trade for at least 3 months before you send your money to your broker.

Making decisions based on emotions:

Emotions control, or at least determine everything we do and think, but unfortunately being emotional in Forex can very pricey.

Foreign currency exchange trading is a really challenging arena and when you trade the forex market you are trading against some of the smartest minds in the world, this is why you need to stay focused and not let your emotions control your trading decisions. Hot Tip: use automated software to allow you to find your entry and exit points and to take the trades for you, this will enable you to keep emotions out of the picture.

Not using money management: money management plays a very vital role in Forex currency trading. Not using any money management in your trading is like going to war without any weapons. The most appropriate way to incorporate MM (money management) in your Forex is to create a set of rules that you are going to stick to when you trade.

To illustrate, you can consider to not trade more than 2% in any given trade or to not trade more than 5% of your total capital every day.

Foreign Exchange Trading can become a quite fulfilling activity ( and that is bringing tremendous monetary rewards) or it might even become your Full time job. You are the only one that can take action, get well-informed, and start to trade FX the right way.

I hope I was able to provide you with helpful information that you can apply to your foreign currency exchange trading  today. Stick around for more.

As I was planning to trade the Forex market today I carried out my regular pre-trading routine. I follow literally the same routine everyday and it helps me to become more organized and proficient as a trader and as a businessman.

As part of my Forex strategy trading suggestions I would like to share with you a checklist that every Forex trader should use in order to become more effective, more organized, and boost your return on investment.

Check your open trades and track their overall performance: This should be the first step you take once you get to your computer. Check all of your open positions and
track their performance.

In many occasions stop losses need to be moved to break even or you want to take profit early because of an incoming event (such as non- farm payroll).  One of my mentors once told me that “everything that matters should be tested”, this undoubtedly applies to spot trading.

Research the market before you place any new trades: I cannot stress enough that you have to analyze the market before you open any trades. When you are in a trade you are not the same. You are thinking about the trade all the time and you are more likely to make non-sense decisions.

In addition, you will be hitting your head if you see anything in the market that creates a conflict with a trade you already took.

Read the news or read a news calendar: I am most of a technical spot trader than a fundamental Fx trader; nevertheless, I still try to stay up to date in what is going on throughout the world.

One of the things that I use to analyze the fundamentals of the FX Market is the news calendar. A news calendar provides you with a list of all the important events that are happening in the internacional economy. A number of them also tell you the expected influence that each specific news event will have on the Forex market.

Check your risk, stop loss, and tale profit details: tiny things can make a enormous difference in foreign exchange trading and diminutive mistakes can produce substantial losses. This is the reason why I always check my risk, take profit levels, and stop loss levels. That’s the best way for me to make sure that everything is working fine and that I am going to meet my trading ultimate goals and ambitions.

Never let a small mistake become a large loss: I decided to include this one as part of the Forex trading checklist because I have seen many traders lose money this way. We are all human and we will make mistakes from time to time.

One of the most frequent mistakes traders make is taking a trade on accident. I have done it and all pro FX traders have. This is not that big of a mistake unless you let run and become a larger loss. My advice to you is that if you ever take a trade mistakenly close it immediately, never let a small mistake turn into a big and unnecessary loss!

I Hope you enjoyed my Forex strategy trading strategies please check back regularly as we post several times every week.

There has always been a debate about what type of trading is better, automated or discretionary. Folks within the Foreign currency trading online community read online trading reviews , trading articles, watch trading videos, and are always trying to get as much information and tools as they possibly can. Read the rest of this entry »

Investing has been for thousands of years the easiest way to expand one’s capital and wealth. It is technically not possible to become wealthy by just having a job.

The basic principle behind employment is that you trade your time for a preset income. The issue with this is that you just have 24 hours a day you can exchange for income.

Even if you’re a CEO or entrepreneur who makes $20,000 to $40,000 every month you won’t be really free, because you don’t own your time or life, the board of directors or your company does. In this trading article will teach you how you can use free Forex software for profit. Read the rest of this entry »

Everyday more and more people are discovering the outstanding opportunity that Foreign exchange symbolizes. A lot of investors already are making money from the foreign currency markets, creating a recession-proof revenue stream, and in many cases making a living by trading the markets full time. In this edition of my foreign currency exchange trading tips you will learn how I built a solid trading career and how you can do it too.

Use appropriate business practices:

Forex currency exchange trading is a business and it should be treated as such. In a typical business, people implement several business practices that are crucial for an organization’s success. As an example, profitable businesses need to learn how to maintain costs low, maximize revenues, and use their money properly. These are things that a Forex trader must learn how to do as well if he/she would like to obtain complete success.

Use a successful trading strategy:

You can develop all of your trading abilities but if you don’t have a great trading strategy to assist you to accomplish your goals all your efforts will be useless.

The approach you use in the markets is tremendously correlated with the amount of success you will have. Forex strategy trading should always be taken seriously and the only way to test a strategy is through extensive back testing and forward testing with a demo account.

Never forget to stick to your trading plan:

The major problem most traders experience is that they don’t even have a trading plan! Do you have one? If you responded “Yes” you are in the right track. If you responded “No” maybe that’s the reason why you haven’t reach the success you want.

Always be a student of the markets:

The majority of traders (including me) become successful and still continue to educate themselves. The market is an ever changing landscape and to profit regularly a trader must be able to adapt to the market variations.

Moreover, smart and successful FX traders recognize that knowledge is power and that the more knowledgeable they become, the more money they will make. I have also discovered that people who have a prosperous career are constantly learning more, researching more, and enhancing their life as much as they can.

Be committed and disciplined and big returns will come your way:

Have you ever heard the saying that says “What you sow is what you will harvest”. Well, this is an total truth of Forex trading. If you only study gimmicky trading strategies, complicated trading strategies, and never master the basics you will never be successful. One of the first accounts I ever managed was for $100,000 and the only thing that allowed me to make steady profits was the way I used the fundamentals of Fx trading. Basic things like respecting support and resistance levels, following the trend, and using strict money management have allowed me to make up to 80% in only 6 weeks. You can have results like this by just keeping it simple and using strict money management techniques.

Building a solid trading career is achievable by being consistent, patient, and being always a student. Please stay tuned for more foreign currency exchange trading tips.

Today I would like to share with you 6 reasons why the Forex should really be part of your investment strategy and trading portfolio. Forex is totally unique in comparison with any other financial market on the planet and I’m going to reveal to you why; let’s get started with this release of our currency trading tips. Read the rest of this entry »